Namibian Experience
6 Day Hunt – 1 Hunter / 10 Animals
- Blue Wildebeest
- Gemsbuck
- Gemsbuck(Female)
- Impala
- Springbuck
- Steenbuck
- Warthog
- Warthog(Cull)
- Burchell Zebra
- Jackal
All transportation, accommodation, meals, permits and trophy fees (+Free WiFi).
7 Nights (6 days for hunting and 1 day each for arrival and departure).
Not Included:
Flights, Beverages, skinning of Shoulder mounts and Full mounts, staff gratuities, dipping/shipping/taxidermy cost, rifle rental and ammunition cost.
On all packages animals/days can be added on as per price list. Non-Hunters can be added for US$ 150 per day.
Deposit with booking: US$ 2500
U$ 7 499